PASTOR: NATHAN NIXPastor Nathan Nix is a lifelong resident of White county. He has pastored two churches and has served as a Youth and Associate Pastor. He has been active in bus ministries, youth ministries, and music programs for years. He and his wife, Tina, have three children, Cassidy, Caleb, and Layla. Pastor Nix and his family work and own their own farm so he has been a Bi-Vocational Pastor for 21 years, as a poultry farmer and Pastor. Pastor Nix has been a 15 Year Board Member of White County Farm Bureau, a volunteer for the Local 4-H Program, the 2007 Farm Family of the Year for White County, and served on the White County Agribusiness Committee. His other ministry experiences include: Associate of Power of 2 Youth Camp (formerly Northeast Ga Youth Camp) for 12 years, Camp Hosanna, Board of Directors, 4 years, Marriage Conferences, Evangelistic Preaching for Revivals, Biblical Finance Classes, R.U. Program, AWANA, Choir Director, and Bus Route Driver.