baptist, IFB church, missions, location, salvation, doctrine, Cleveland, Georgia, 30528, Zion Hill, King James Bible, KJV, KJB, ZION HILL BAPTIST CHURCH

Current Prayer List

1. Please pray for our Pastor and his family.
2. Please pray for ZHBC:
   A. God will empower the church for
      a. Witnesses unto Christ both 
         1. Unto me both in Jerusalem (Cleveland), and
         2. In all Judaea (White County), and in Samaria (Georgia), and
         3. Unto the uttermost part of the earth.
   B. Individuals will be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.
   C. Our missionaries (list here).
      1) Encouragement,
      2) Safety and protection,
      3) Their families,
      4) Their finances
   D. Visitors will attend our services.
   E. Visitation.
      1) The church will be a light (on a hill) for our community.
   F. Members will grow in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
3. Pray for our nation and our leaders.
4. Pray for our families.
5. Pray for the youth in our church and in the world.
6. Our sick, spiritually and physically.
7. Pray for Israel, the peace of the nation.
8. Midnight Crusaders: This is a ministry to truckers by phone and radio. Many have been saved as a result of this ministry. Retired Pastor Jack Hicks  and his wife, Gaye, of Zion Hill Baptist Church participate in this ministry. Please pray for our truckers in this nation. Many cannot make it to their local church because of trucking responsibilities.
9. The Old Paths Publications: This is a ministry conducted by Dr. and Mrs. Pat Williams, members of Zion Hill Baptist Church. The company helps authors who are doctrinally sound get their writings and teachings into books at the lowest cost possible, which are then made available on distributors' websites, such as Amazon US and UK, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million, etc., around the world. The website is: and email is: TOP@theoldpathspublications.
10. People with abuse of or addictions to substances or human drives: So many in our nation and around the world are suffering from various addictions such as nicotine, alcohol, sex, drugs (particularly heroin, amphetamines, marijuana), power. We just received a phone call from someone with a significant problem requesting help. Pray saints.